Collaborative Projects
Project application submission: external page Link
Typical project workflow

A collaborative projects starts with a sample that shows potential for structural analysis on basic negative stain images. Based on this initial information a collaborative project is discussed with the head of the Cryo-EM Knowledge Hub and a hub scientist is assigned to the project.
The collaborative project will in most cases include several cycles of sample optimization. When suitable grids for high resolution data collection have been obtained, a data set is collected on a Titan Krios microscope. The 3D reconstruction is calculated in collaboration with a hub scientist, who assists the user in the interpretation of 3D maps.
As part of a collaborative project, our collaboration partners can receive training on data collection and processing, helping to drive projects forward.
Collaborations are defined with the head of CEMK in a collaboration agreement.
When CEMK enters a collaboration a monthly fee is chareged based on part time funding of CEMK staff (excluding additional fees for microscope use which are billed separately by ScopeM).
Discounted Fees apply for stakeholder groups (Departments/Consortia) that made a bulk contribution (currently DBIOL, NCCR RNA & Disease, PSI*)
excl. ScopeM microscope fees (see, incl. consumables
*Please contact D. Boehringer for details
SNSF Grants
CEMK can be a project partner or co-applicant on SNSF grants. Please contact D. Boehringer for details on how to include CEMK as a project partner in a SNSF grant application.